TIDE MINNOW 175 SLIM ANNIVERSARYIN CELEBRAZIONE DEI 20 ANNI DALLA NASCITA DELLA DITTA DUO, FRA LE MIGLIORI, SE NON LA MIGLIORE NEI SUOI PROGETTI E REALIZZAZIONI, HA CELEBRATO QUESTO ANNIVERSARIO CREANDO DEI TIDE MINNOW 140/175 CON TRE COLORI DA COLLEZIONE, ACCATTIVANTI E BELLISSIMI. QUESTI ARTIFICIALI SONO ACQUISTABILI ANCHE IN SET COMPLETI, IN NUMERO LIMITATO, APROFITTATENE SUBITO.Celebrate 20 years of DUO with a limited edition of slim minnow icon While 2016 is nearing the end, this year has officially meant 20th anniversary of the DUO brand and while the year is nearing the end, we still continue to celebrate and this month released 20th anniversary limited colors for Tide Minnow Slim 140/175.Say “Happy Birthday, DUO' along with “Mayhem', “Nippon' and “Hirame Candy'!With “Mayhem' we went for a strong contract of color – blue, green and yellow base has strongly contrasting white stripes over giving fish something they have not seen before.“Nippon' has it in the name and is a tribute to the Japanese quality that DUO represents.And “Hirame Candy' is a variation on the popular “Rainbow' color incorporating new laser dot holograph for a strong flashing.Ask at your local DUO dealer from December. Tipo: Floating LONGJERKLunghezza: 140mmPeso: 18gAncorine: Owner ST-46 #6Profondità di nuoto: 0.80-1.2m circaTarget: Spigola, Barracuda, Serra